For E.M.’s Sunday Ramble Prompt #2

  1. What is your all time favourite food for any occasion?

It has to be cheesecake, it is one of my favourite sweet treats. However a very close second is treacle pudding. I could eat a whole portion (with custard) all to myself. I even have it at Christmas because I hate Christmas pudding.

  1. What is your favorite season and why?

Spring, because it shows new growth.

  1. Where is your favorite hiding spot when you want to not be bothered by anyone or anything? If you do not have a special place, make one up.

My favourite hiding spot is the bathroom, a good book, lots of bubbles and the door firmly locked.

  1. Who is your favorite person on the planet?

My granddaughter, such a ray of sunshine and always giggling. A mini version of her mum when she was the same age.

  1. What is your most favorite personality trait in other people?

Kindness because it doesn’t cost anything, but can make someone’s day.

Published by writerravenclaw

I am a fifty something mother of two grown up children, and one beautiful grandchild. I have been married for nearly thirty-four years. My first book was published ten years ago. I wrote my book Sticks and Stones because of my experience of being bullied at school.

5 thoughts on “For E.M.’s Sunday Ramble Prompt #2

  1. Cheesecake is amazing! You and Di share the love of cheesecake and hiding in the bathroom *giggles*, and I told her the story of how I found my love and addiction to cheesecake. It doesn’t beat tacos for me, but for sweets…it’s my number 1. I like you chose kindness on personality traits. The world would be a better place with kindness. I’m new to being Gigi, but my granddaughter will be 1-yr-old in 9 days. It’s exciting! She’s a trip. She just started walking and trying to run from us. Thanks for joining in! I loved reading your answers.

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