
I couldn’t wear the red dress tonight, I didn’t know him well enough yet.

It had taken a lot to even join Tinder, let alone swipe right. He looked okay. Not handsome, in the normal sense. But he had kind eyes, and a beautiful smile. We were going to meet at Harvester.

I know, I could have said somewhere more expensive, but I like the food there.

All my clothes were strewn on the bed, and I couldn’t pick anything suitable. I looked down to my jeans, and top. They were smart enough, and my trainers would help me escape if he turned out to be an axe murderer.

With a sudden thought, I phoned my best friend. We had known each other since we were at school. Not much in a fight, but extremely good if I need a quick exit. One phone call, and I can be outside and date free.

‘I’ll wait outside, and text me if you want out,’ he said, and giggled at the thought of me running out on my date. We could always go round his house, and watch some cheesy movie on television.

‘See you later,’ I said, as I left the house.

Sat across from my blind date, he wasn’t quite as bad as I thought. I might even let him treat me to cheesecake. I send a quick text to my friend.

Published by writerravenclaw

I am a fifty something mother of two grown up children, and one beautiful grandchild. I have been married for nearly thirty-four years. My first book was published ten years ago. I wrote my book Sticks and Stones because of my experience of being bullied at school.

6 thoughts on “Red

  1. This was really good. I’m laughing right now, because I wore trainers to a date a couple of weeks ago and ran out on the guy. I got some bad vibes from him – and he kept trying to lead me into the dark woods which was creepy. When we stopped somewhere for a bathroom break, I sprinted. Trainers are a good first date choice.

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