A Gift

Written for https://girlieontheedge1.wordpress.com/2024/03/10/sundays-six-sentence-story-word-prompt-305/

To all your wonderful Mum’s out there; whether they are young children or adults. Being a mum is more giving birth, it is watching them grow, protecting them and that’s just what we do.

On the remote chance she was going to win the lottery, it seemed like a pound was worth it. Handing over the cash, she eyed a small mars bar. She studied the rest of the coins in her purse, and brought her daughter some sweets.

‘Mummy, can I buy you that chocolate?’ Clara said, pulling at her hand.

‘It is okay.’

‘No, it is Mummy’s day, and I want to thank you for being you.’

Published by writerravenclaw

I am a fifty something mother of two grown up children, and one beautiful grandchild. I have been married for nearly thirty-four years. My first book was published ten years ago. I wrote my book Sticks and Stones because of my experience of being bullied at school.

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