Twisted Reality

Written for

I am editing my novel ”In the Dark”. This is meant to be a flashback. What do you think?

A twisted reality tangled into a weave of thoughts. A shattered memory, once forgotten, surges into my mind. Joe was sixteen, and me a few years younger. His idea was to travel to Margate on the train.

We rest in this café waiting for ages.

He brings me a thin burger and crispy fries and a large diet coke.

His head snaps every time the bell over the door rings. The birthday present is tight on to his chest; colourful rainbows adorn the outside. His supposed friend hasn’t turned up yet.

Can we check out the arcades? It’s boring here.’

‘Maybe later, seeing someone.’ He stirs the swirling brown liquid with the plastic straw.

A man, at least eighteen, strolls over. His hoodie obscures most of his face. A blond fringe tapers at the edges. Older, he has a sense of confidence about him.

‘You must be Sarah.’ he says, taking my hand.

I blush as he smiles at me.

My brother shifts closer, almost pushing me out of the way. He hands across the package, who shoves it into his jacket pocket. Insignificant, the handsome stranger doesn’t even open it.

‘Thanks for the gift. Nice seeing you. Perhaps we might see each other again.’

He leaves, and I turn my attention to Joe. ‘You alright, you’ve gone all pale.’

‘Yea, I have a headache, and noticed the time. Three o’clock. We’ve got to get to the station, otherwise Mum will thow a fit.’

‘You promised we could go to the arcade.’

‘Not up for discussion. I told you, I don’t feel well.’

Published by writerravenclaw

I am a fifty something mother of two grown up children, and one beautiful grandchild. I have been married for nearly thirty-four years. My first book was published ten years ago. I wrote my book Sticks and Stones because of my experience of being bullied at school.

19 thoughts on “Twisted Reality

  1. Editing. Fun! This is wonderful.

    As a way of constructive criticism I’d advise you keep the verb tenses uniform. I felt it slip here and there in this very short clip. Hope you don’t mind me saying. 🤗

    This is mysterious. I like it. Keep going. Blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

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