Crimson Fields

On June 6th it was the eightieth anniversary of D Day. My Father-In-Law was in the Green Howards, and was part of the landings. My dad was part of the paratroopers who held the Pegasus bridge. I am proud of their bravery.

Crimson Fields

Like a blanket of love,

Protecting the fallen,

Sheltering the brave,

Tending the graves,

of the brave young men,

Who had no choice,

To where their lives led

Now under a bed,

Of Poppies.

Over the Top

Gunshots roar through the sky,

A spear of light turns night into day,

A young man dares to dream,

There might be another way,

But in his heart he knows,

Over the top he will go.

Published by writerravenclaw

I am a fifty something mother of two grown up children, and one beautiful grandchild. I have been married for nearly thirty-four years. My first book was published ten years ago. I wrote my book Sticks and Stones because of my experience of being bullied at school.

9 thoughts on “Crimson Fields

  1. Beautifully done. There is not one single, solitary member of my family, on either side, who was part of the military. I’m in awe of those who have family members that were.

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