Family Favourites

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1. What is/has been your favourite job/occupation?

It isn’t a job. I don’t get money, but I love volunteering at the entertainment centre near me. I get to watch some amazing shows, and be in a place where I feel the happiest. I also get a couple of complimentary tickets for shows I want to watch.

2. Is there a job you would never consider doing?

Working on a ship because I hate being surrounded by water.

3. Did your family own a business and expect you to join the ranks when you got older?


4. Did/do you have a career requiring qualifications or did you learn on the job and work your way up?

I worked at Royal Mail for eighteen years and they were offering redundancies. They asked anyone considering their cutbacks to do a survey and mine suggested I would work well in a school. My son had support from a TA because of being on the spectrum.

They were reluctant to let me go. After an un-interview, I burst into tears, telling them I wanted to be there for my kids.

Gratitude – Helping students, in the role of a teaching assistant, and supporting their learning. It doesn’t pay enough, but the holidays were ideal to be with my kids and when they left, I could pick them up.

Money is not everything and time spent with my children outweighs any well paid job.

Published by writerravenclaw

I am a fifty something mother of two grown up children, and one beautiful grandchild. I have been married for nearly thirty-four years. My first book was published ten years ago. I wrote my book Sticks and Stones because of my experience of being bullied at school.

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