Capable Enough

Written for

Aliens, humans, and animal alike, were ready to propose a treaty.

2045, and they finally considered us capable enough to have a substantial conversation. Our pact on only reusing plastic, and not making any more settled the deal.

They landed on a snowy February morning.

A shock, the lone dog walker stepped back into a deluge of mud.

‘You alright?’ he asked.

His mongrel went mad at his leash. However accepted the barking simulation and responded in kind.

Tall, with grey hair, the alien twisted its thin mouth into a weird smile. ‘Is this Earth?’

‘Yup, where are you from?’

‘A universe near to yours, only a few billion miles away. It was a fair old journey, I’ll tell you. Especially with the kids asking when we are going to get here.’

‘How come you are like me?’

‘Translator, your TItan wants a treat, by the way.’

‘You understand them too?’

‘They are originally from Mars, and the first beings from outer space to travel. Only when they got here, they thought you could do with some help. They stayed because you treated most of them with respect. I’m here cause I am lost. The wife ordered me to ask for directions, so I did.’

‘I am going to show you where to go, but you have to take me on your space ship. I was a cabbie a few years ago, and you want the world parliament.’

‘No worries lad, my ship is yours.’

Published by writerravenclaw

I am a fifty something mother of two grown up children, and one beautiful grandchild. I have been married for nearly thirty-four years. My first book was published ten years ago. I wrote my book Sticks and Stones because of my experience of being bullied at school.

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