Where the Sun Once Was

Written for https://lifeafter50forwomen.com/category/what-do-you-see/

I observe humans, wondering if they will ever learn their lesson. Mists, where the sun once was. There are children without the knowledge of outside play. Parents can only show them on their tablets or mobiles.

It never bothered me when I was alive – the destruction in my factories polluting the earth. Spewing out gases, which caused global warming on a giant scale. Wind, solar, and electric cars. They were the way forward. What did I do? Travel on my private jet to Dubai. Laughed at the environmentalists.

Bribery, and I could continue.

Please, there is a different approach. There is the technology to save our planet. A path to choose. Working together to reuse the waste we already created. Stop making bags. The living are sensible enough to understand. If you made greener energy cheaper, it would be possible for everyone to engage.

Moonbeams gleam as I drift to the city; my fellow ghosts doomed to watch. The Christmas Carol, with ghostly forms carrying chains and money boxes. Now it is planes, trains, and plastic. Perhaps, someone should write a new book.

To educate our race is easy, to ignore, and your fate will be like mine.

Published by writerravenclaw

I am a fifty something mother of two grown up children, and one beautiful grandchild. I have been married for nearly thirty-four years. My first book was published ten years ago. I wrote my book Sticks and Stones because of my experience of being bullied at school.

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