Name something you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark forest or in an abandoned building.

That’s easy, anything with rats in.

Do you believe in multiple dimensions or worlds?

I believe in other planets because there are many stars (suns) which will support life. Who knows, at one time Mars might have been like earth in a lot of ways.

Would you ever go to a graveyard at night?

If I had someone with me, yes. I always feel safe in a graveyard.

What is the most frightening book you’ve ever read?

I don’t do frightening books or movies.

BONUS QUESTION (just for silliness’ sake!)

If you could have a spooky Halloween pet (black cat, owl, bat, rat, wolf), which would you pick out of the five choices?

I would have a pet wolf, my old dog Scamp always got likened to a wolf anyway.

Published by writerravenclaw

I am a fifty something mother of two grown up children, and one beautiful grandchild. I have been married for nearly thirty-four years. My first book was published ten years ago. I wrote my book Sticks and Stones because of my experience of being bullied at school.

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