Childhood Toys

Did you have a lot of toys?

My parents weren’t rich, so any toys I got I appreciated. My favourite toy had to be the Barbies, Cindy’s I played with. I had a big, blue bag with dolls, clothes, and an assorted range of accessories. Most of my stuff was second hand, but I didn’t really care. My toys were mostly for girls, however I did have an Evel Knievel, a stunt man of the time who used to ride his bike over cars.


if I couldn’t buy an accessory for my dolls, I would make it, including the clothes. It helped my sister-in-law was a seamstress, so could make them for me. I was the youngest of three and both my sister and brother left home before I had the need to share.

I mostly got what I asked for, but there was one toy, well not a toy but a record player I wanted. My parents saved up to buy me it, and I located it behind a wardrobe. I was so excited, but couldn’t tell them I was looking for it.

I loved playing monopoly with my nephew – Hours of fun, arguments and him owning most of the board. There was also operation, kerplunk, and frustration. I was lucky and never felt like I went without.

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I don’t have any of my old toys, between my art for losing things, and breaking them. Also this was a time when you gave your old things to jumble sales when you didn’t need them.

Published by writerravenclaw

I am a fifty something mother of two grown up children, and one beautiful grandchild. I have been married for nearly thirty-four years. My first book was published ten years ago. I wrote my book Sticks and Stones because of my experience of being bullied at school.

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