Birth Mother

Written for Awards and Nominations What do you see # 144 and our host I sit between worlds, watching. A thin layer of dust separates two dimensions. Two versions, of one person, and only the Elfin can see them born, grow, and change. Mostly, they stay the same. Sometimes they go to different places,Continue reading “Birth Mother”

Music, WDYS, has kindly given us this inspiration to write this week. A song, written just for you. Words and notes link together in a harmonious wandering of music and thoughts, lining expertly together across the page. Beautiful, melancholy, sweet notes, drifting along in leisurely amble. Sometimes you remember the great times, when I canContinue reading “Music”

A Day to Remember

From Cool, fresh, clean water, and there is nothing like it. I lean on the side, and I don’t feel my old paws anymore. It is like I am a pup again, and I could stay for hours just relaxing in this river. Walking with my friend, it is like we will never beContinue reading “A Day to Remember”

Water, Water Everywhere

This weeks word prompt from is all about the precious commodity water. We often take it for granted, turning on the taps for our washing, brushing of teeth, washing up, drinking, and cleaning, but it is a resource that will run out eventually. ‘Mummy you’re using too much water,’ Josh said, turning the tapContinue reading “Water, Water Everywhere”